Teams International announces new Responsible Couple for Canada Region | Équipes Internationales annonce la nomination d’un nouveau couple responsable pour la région du Canada

Learn about the new International Responsible Couple | En savoir plus sur le nouveau couple responsable international | Conozca la nueva Pareja Responsable Internacional

ERI sets general orientation for next 6 years | L’ERI fixe des orientations générales pour les 6 prochaines années | La ERI fija su orientación general para los próximos 6 años

A Letter from the International Responsible Couple | Lettre du couple responsable international | Carta de la Pareja Responsable Internacional

Memories of Our Lady’s Feast in the Québec Sector

More than 80 members, guests and youth gathered on December 11, 2022 to celebrate the Teams of Our Lady annual feast ….

Let’s Connect!

The first Sunday of Advent is November 27, 2022 which also means the start of a new liturgical year.

Since we are starting a ‘new year,’ we are excited to officially re-launch Teams of Our Lady Canada’s presence on social media!

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