There is a place for you as a couple in a Team!
One of the best ways to enrich your married spirituality and grow in your walk with Jesus Christ is to join a Team, where you’ll meet with others to build friendships, study and pray.
Build true community! Find deep and meaningful friends; couples like you that want to follow Jesus and really believe in the ideal of Christian marriage.
Teams of Our Lady is an international movement in the Catholic Church and approved by the Vatican. Saint Pope John Paul II spoke with high regard of the movement at an audience:
“Your Movement has developed its own pedagogy, based on ‘concrete points of endeavour’ which help you as a couple to grow together in holiness”
Benefits of being in Teams
Couples around the world involved in Teams have shared that they experience an increase in forgiveness, love, respect, care, tolerance, understanding, perseverance, patience, faith in God, and affection in their marriages. Many say they have learned to communicate better and are better people after joining Teams. They also stated that Teams was a like an extended family and a great source of joy in their lives.
Who is Teams Designed for?
This movement is specifically tailored for Catholic couples of any age. Teams can include newly married and couples celebrating anniversaries of any number of years.
- As Catholic married couples, we are to travel our spiritual journey together.
- It gives you practical steps and direction to your life as a couple and the means to discover the richness of the marriage sacrament
- Teams is a movement of conjugal spirituality belonging to the Catholic Church and is made of couples and spiritual counselors who believe in the ideal of Christian marriage.
What is the format of a Team Meeting?
A Team is made up of 5-7 couples with a spiritual counselor, who meet once a month in each other’s homes. The team of couples encourages and supports each other in their faith journey. They build lifelong friendships that are crucial in their walk with Jesus.
The couples meet with a simple meal and fellowship. They celebrate each other’s happiness and support each other’s low times. They share scripture study, prayer, as well as discussions about married life, family dynamics and faith topics. They support and encourage each other to follow the Endeavours and witness to each other with confidential advice and prayer.
The Team meeting is a time where you can place Christ at the heart of your life and journey together as a couple in deepened married spirituality.
What do Team members do?
A Team becomes a close community. In Teams of Our Lady couples inspire one another through their living examples of faith, and share with one another their struggles, successes, as well as failures on their personal spiritual journey. Couples grow in communication and spirituality through life in a team.
Learn to practice the Endeavours in order to base your marriage and family life on the Gospel. These Endeavours are the starting point of a profound path of Christian conversion in perseverance, in truth, and in communion. Learn more about the Endeavours that are at the core of the Teams Catholic spirituality.
Team members typically try to be in the same geographic area, as the team meetings take place in couples’ homes. This also enables couples to build friendships with couples and families living in proximity to each other and often within the couples’ own Church.
How will this group of couples help you continue to grow as a Christian? The support and friendship of the other couples gives you this ability to continue to move forward in your spiritual journey. In addition, outside of the meetings they pray and help you in many aspects of your life. They encourage each other to bear witness to Christian values in their social and working lives. The meeting provides a confidential place to help each other with sound advice and spiritual support.
Join a Team in your area
Would you like to learn more about Teams of Our Lady? We’ll put you in contact with the Teams closest to your area. You’ll be able to learn more by attending an information session or by talking directly to one of our Teams of Our Lady members. If you would like to form a team, the best thing to do is to get a few other couples interested in joining as well! You just need 5-7 couples to form a new team. We will gladly start a team just about anywhere in Canada!